
Get traffic from social bookmarking

Get traffic from social bookmarking - SEO addition there was another way to get thousands of traffic per day, both have advantages and disadvantages of each, but are certainly not easy to achieve the business needs very hard.

How to get traffic from SB (Scocial bookmarks)? hmm according to some sources there was a blogger who is also the primary school teachers, one log per day of sepluh dollars to produce, whereas blogs can run more than ten, various niche too. varied.

How to use a spam account, to get traffic from the U.S. (American) is recommended so that digg and if you want to get traffic from Indonesia will be used to main and cross-news, all three of the same process that needs to submit as many more with our fake accounts, but do not one, sometimes with these tricks can fail. It takes the right timing, for example to digg submit to between twelve o'clock till three o'clock in the morning.

SB Indonesia for the right remote to submit between seven o'clock until ten, but certainly many of them are luck factor, so if you dare to try your luck? : D

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